Sunday, October 30, 2005

Just Checkin’ In

Hello all! I know it has been awhile, but school has kept me very busy. They just finished their first paper. Now we are entering American Romanticism with Washington Irving and Poe. I am having a blast but there is little time for blogging or writing.

So, take care everyone.

Happy Birthday, Dave!!!



Blogger david golbitz said...

Thanks, man. Appreciate it.

So do the kids at your school come dressed in costumes on Halloween? My old high school used to be filled with a bunch of weird-lookin' people on this date.

A local theatre company is putting on a production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as a ballet. Its gotten pretty decent reviews, I guess. Still seems weird.

I remember, back when I was probably seven or eight, the local children's theatre did a production of Sleepy Hollow, and a bunch of my friends and I went for my birthday. That was a good time. It's such a great story (when done well).

7:14 AM  

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