Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Mc’scuse me?

So, I hear that McDonalds is going to outsource their drive-thru window. Really? There are few things that are more annoying than phone trees. You know, push 1 for English, dos por Espanol.

I have called companies where you never get a human and when you do they are not even in the same state as the last human you talked to.

Now it seems that the Golden Arches are going to utilize out-of-state call centers to run their drive-thru windows. So what, you say? Are you dead inside? Why can’t I talk to the person in front of me? Or on the other end of the phone for that matter?

McDonalds claims that this will improve quality control and wait time, isn’t the drive-thru window a promotion? Are you telling me that the top of the food chain at McDonalds can’t get my order right? What’s next? Is this the end to all human contact? I can see a day when we will walk into McDonalds and press a button to order our food. We won’t even see a person in the restaurant (and I use that term loosely).

Now, I realize that most people will not care about this as long as their fries are hot but I say that we must stand up for human interaction!

That’s all. I’ll put the soapbox away.


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